Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz analyses a recent decision, in which the Austrian Supreme Court expresses a restricted position on consumer rights in arbitration.
In the newly published Handbook of Landlord and Tenant Law, Martin Foerster takes a detailed look at the various case constellations in his article "Scope of Application of the Landlord and Tenant Law Act" and shows how borderline cases are handled.
The firm's dispute resolution team was ranked among the world's top 100 arbitration practices by the "Global Arbitration Review" in this year's rankings.
Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz is co-author of the "Handbuch der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und ADR“ (Handbook of Arbitration and ADR) - a comprehensive reference work by renowned authors on the most important topics in arbitration law.
Global Arbitration Review (GAR) was the first international medium to exclusively report on the exciting news around the new formation of Pitkowitz & Partners.
At the Annual Conference of the Atlanta International Arbitration Society (AtlAS), partner Nikolaus Pitkowitz discussed recent developments in Third-Party Funding in international arbitration with a distinguished panel on 10 December 2020.
Columbia Arbitration Day (CAD) brings together scholars, practitioners, arbitrators, judges, and students for an annual discussion about the challenges of the international arbitration community.