
We handle it.
No matter how
challenging complex heavy
it seems.

Mag. Johanna Kathan-Spath, LL.M.

Associate (maternity leave)

Mag. Johanna Kathan-Spath, LL.M. is an Associate and a certified Mediator in the Dispute Resolution Team of Pitkowitz & Partners. Johanna primarily focuses on Dispute Resolution with a distinct focus on international arbitration proceedings.

Prior to joining Pitkowitz & Partners, Johanna has worked for VIAC (Vienna International Arbitral Centre) as Legal Counsel, where she gained significant experience in institutional arbitration and case management services. Furthermore, Johanna has worked at reputable law firms in Vienna and gained work experience at UNCITRAL.

Johanna has completed the postgraduate LL.M. degree courses in International Law (with distinction) at the University of Vienna, and studied law at the University of Graz (Mag.iur.) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium).

Johanna is a member of the Young Austrian Arbitration Practitioners (YAAP) and the Austrian Federal Association of Mediators (OEBM).

  • 2022: Associate with Pitkowitz & Partners
  • 2019-2022: University of Vienna (LL.M. International Law)
  • 2021: Internship at UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law)
  • 2019-2021: Legal Counsel with the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC)
  • 2018-2019: Law Clerk with the Vienna Higher Regional Court of Appeals
  • 2018-2019: Legal Trainee with Dorda Attorneys at Law
  • 2017-2019: University of Graz (Certified Mediator)
  • 2018: Internship at Vavrovsky Heine Marth Attorneys at Law
  • 2016-2017: University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • 2013-2018: University of Graz (Mag.iur.)
  • The Vienna Propositions for Streamlining Arbitral Proceedings: Keeping Pace with New Developments and User Expectations, in Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2024, 143-150, Nikolaus Pitkowitz/Johanna Kathan Spath
  • „Mediation, including the Singapore Convention, UNCITRAL Texts on Commercial Mediation and Med-Arb Issues“, UNCITRAL, Vienna, 14 November 2023
  • The Vienna Propositions for the Resolution of Shareholder and Corporate Disputes, in Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2023, 167-172, Nikolaus Pitkowitz/Johanna Kathan Spath
  • Res Judicata & Lis Pendens: Bifurcation and Procedural Efficiency, in Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2023, 225-232, Sheila Schwaighofer/Johanna Kathan-Spath
  • The 2021 Rules Revision of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre, Czech (& Central European) Yearbook of Arbitration, Johanna Kathan-Spath, 239-284. Vol. XII, June 2022
  • VIAC’s Annual Report – 2020, Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2022, Johanna Kathan-Spath, 399-410. February 2022.
  • VIAC arbitration (Vienna Rules 2021): A step-by-step guide, Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited, Fremuth-Wolf/Wong/Sood/Kathan-Spath. September 2021.
  • VIAC Rules Revision 2021 Part I: Revised Vienna Rules Enter into Force on 1 July 2021, Kluwer Arbitration Blog Wolters Kluwer, Kathan-Spath/Fremuth-Wolf. July 2021.
  • Gesellschaftsrechtliche Streitigkeiten im Schiedsverfahren – Schwerpunkt Mehrparteienverfahren, Handbuch Gesellschafterstreit, Verlag Österreich – Nikolaus Adensamer, Johannes Mitterecker (eds.), Vanas-Metzler/Kathan-Spath, 785-822. June 2021.
  • International Mediation Tournament Vilnius (2019) in Beyond Borders – Konflikte diesseits und jenseits von Rechten und Pflichten, Forschungen in Appropriate Dispute Resolution, Verlag Österreich – Sascha Ferz (ed.), Kathan/Kunauer/Rodlauer, 193-102. September 2019.